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It’s Friday! How to get a second date

The bad news? With bad breath, chances are tonight will be the first and last date

We all have bad breath at some time or another, especially first thing in the morning, but for some of us it’s more of a persistent problem. Unfortunately, it’s not the sort of thing our friends will tell us about, but in the UK, 25% of the population is thought to have problem breath.

So how do I know if I’ve got bad breath?

It’s fine to ask someone we trust. And if we ask, then they won’t be embarrassed to give an honest reply.

Also, here’s a quick way to do a breath check (warning: this does sound odd but the NHS suggests it, so it’s worth a try when no-one’s watching). Give a quick lick, with the underside of the tongue,to the inside of the wrist. Wait for the saliva to dry. Then take a sniff. If it smells bad, there’s a problem.

How can I beat bad breath?

The good news is that it’s possible to beat bad breath in about 90% of cases. Most often bacteria in the mouth and on the tongue are the problem, so a hygienist and dentist can help. Perhaps not in time to save this evening’s date, but hopefully by Valentine’s Day!

Short term fixes:

Long term solutions:

Useful links:

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