Facial Rejuvenation

woman looking pretty after Facial Rejuvenation Have you noticed fine lines around your mouth? Do you think your lips are thinner than they used to be? Or perhaps you wonder if your cheeks have lost a little of their shape?

Keeping youthful

As well as helping you to maintain your oral health and boost your smile, SpaDental practitioners can help to keep your skin looking youthful. We offer a range of facial rejuvenation treatments including dermal fillers, lip augmentation and treatments that are only available with a medical prescription.

Our dental practices follow strict clinical guidelines so you can be sure all treatments are delivered in a professionally regulated, safe setting.

As well as following a good skin care routine at home, your clinician will recommend appointments for further facial rejuvenation treatments to ensure your fresh new look is maintained.

Facial rejuvenation is an investment of time and money so it is important to consider the implications and results carefully. Our team is willing to discuss your options with you. Please ask in your surgery for more information.