01458 831883

Fees at the Glastonbury practice

Please note: to secure an appointment, we must ask for a deposit of 50-100% at the time of booking.

We believe it is important to be open and clear about all patient fees

SpaDental Glastonbury offers flexible payment choices to meet patient needs. Our reception team is always happy to explain the options to you. After an initial consultation with your dentist, and before treatment begins, we provide you with a written estimate of your planned treatment fees at the Glastonbury practice. Should your treatment plan need adapting, then your clinician will discuss and confirm the fee changes with you before proceeding further. 

The most cost-effective way of paying for dental treatment is to becomes a SpaDental Member. Guests are also welcome.

Indicative Treatment Fees

New Patient Examination (with dentist) including 1-2 x-rays if needed£94.00
Tooth Whitening (full mouth)£451.70
Composite Filling (from)£138.40
Routine Extraction (from)£171.70

…. more indicative Treatment Fees


Become a SpaDental Member

Members spread the cost of regular preventive care appointments across monthly payments and receive a 20% discount on all treatments.

Read more about Membership here

Please contact us for enquiries about joining the practice, making or rescheduling an appointment, a copy of your treatment plan or for a more detailed explanation of ways to pay for treatment. Fill in the form and one of our team will respond as soon as possible.

Contact us

Private Patients

Whether you are a Member or  a Guest, the whole range of treatments offered by our clinicians is available. Please read our fee guide above for indicative costs for treatment.

After a consultation, the dentist prepares a treatment plan setting out the stages of treatment and payments according to individual need. From time to time, anticipated costs may need to change as your treatment proceeds.  Your clinician will agree with you any change to your plan and fees before any further treatment is provided.

Please also note: