SpaDental Handforth (Handforth Dental Practice)

SpaDental Handforth Sold

SpaDental group’s interest in SpaDental Handforth was sold to Omar Butt & Shariga Alam in February 2015.

SpaDental Handforth Renamed

The practice was renamed to Handforth Dental Practice LLP and is located at 128 Wilmslow Road, Handforth, Wilmslow, SK9 3LQ.

Closest SpaDental Practice is in Whitchurch on the Cheshire-Shropshire border

Useful Information about SpaDental Handforth


Please direct all enquiries regarding SpaDental Handforth or Handforth Dental Practice to 128 Wilmslow Road, Handforth, Wilmslow, SK9 3LQ.